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Or, you can email me on salemmoh at buffalo dot edu

About me

I am currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute (SCI) at the University of Utah, working on distributed systems. I collaborate with Dr. Manish, focusing on developing distributed systems. My research involves building distributed systems that can coordinate and make decisions on stream data.

Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the University at Buffalo, SUNY, where I was advised by Prof. Haonan Lu. At SUNY Buffalo, I was a member of the Correct, high-Performance, practical Impact-Network Systems (CPI-NS) research group. Before joining CPI-NS, I received my Ph.D. from the same department under the supervision of Prof. Murat Demirbas.


  • PhD in Computer Science, May/2022.
    "Analyzing and Improving Performance of Byzantine Fault Tolerance Consensus Protocols"
    Thesis [PDF]
  • MS in Computer Science, May/2015.
    University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA.
  • BS in Computer Science, May/2010.
    King Khalid University, ABHA, KSA,


  • Salem Alqahtani , Murat Demirbas. BunchBFT: Across-Cluster Consensus Protocol, [PDF].
  • Salem Alqahtani , Murat Demirbas. BigBFT: A Multileader Byzantine Fault Tolerance Protocol for High Throughput, [Code] [ PDF]. 40th IEEE International Performance, Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC), 2021.
  • Salem Alqahtani , Murat Demirbas. Bottlenecks in Blockchain Consensus Protocols, [ PDF]. IEEE International Conference on Omni-Layer Intelligent Systems (COINS), 2021.
  • Salem Alqahtani , Murat Demirbas. Performance Analysis and Comparison of Distributed Machine Learning Systems, [ PDF]. The 28th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN), 2019.
  • Kuo Zhang, Salem Alqahtani , Murat Demirbas. A Comparison of Distributed Machine Learning Platforms, [PDF]. The 26th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN), 2017.


Teaching Assistant, King Khalid University:

  • Introduction to Computer Science
  • Data Structures and Algorithms

Course Instructor, University at Buffalo, SUNY:

  • Distributed Systems, [link].